7 Home Buying Tips to Help You Know You've Found THE ONE
07 Mar

7 Home Buying Tips to Help You Know You’ve Found THE ONE

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How do you know when you’ve found “the one?” It’s the million dollar question. As it is in romance, so in real estate; when you’re about to get committed, it helps to have some signals to watch for so you know you’re heading in the right direction. To start with, make sure you’re working with the right real estate agent. A reputable Realtor® won’t talk up a house just to make a quick deal, they’ll show you as many options as it takes to find the one that suits you best and gives you those warm, fuzzy feelings. You’re looking for that place that you can call home – a place you and your family can create memories in.

Here’s how you know you’ve found “the one.”

finding your dream home

You want to go inside

Whether you like a house or not doesn’t just come down to what’s on the inside. You will know the moment you arrive if a home will be a possibility or not just by the outer appearance. A home that shows attention to detail and a sense of pride of ownership will invite you inside. If the home is run-down or in a sketchy neighbourhood, chances are you won’t be truly happy living there and it isn’t the one.

You want to stay

The moment you step inside, you will either be wrapped in a warm embrace or be wondering if it’s too soon to leave. You will automatically decide “yeah, let’s see more” or “nope, not happening.” The foyer is the first impression of a home, setting expectations for what the rest of the house will look like if you decide to explore further. This home may be the one for you if you feel a sense of warmth and welcoming.

The bathroom is inviting

Unless you are up to the challenge of a reno, the most personal room in a home that is often the determining factor of a home’s buyability is the bathroom. If you’re afraid to step inside, that’s a bad sign. You should feel comfortable and curious enough to walk in and have a good look around. Also consider the size of your family and how practical the bathroom will be. Is there only one bathroom for your family of five to fight over? Or is there only a shower in the bathroom that little ones will be bathing in? If the bathroom isn’t luxurious or practical, then move on!

You’re dismissing the flaws

Perhaps there is a stain on the carpet or a chip out of a stone countertop. Are you A: immediately playing a game of X-Factor in your head adding up additional expenses, or are you B: quick to dismiss flaws as easily fixable? If you’re more like option B, you are most likely falling in love with the potential of this house. Not every home is going to be showroom perfection, and your agent will be able to provide guidance as to which flaws are game-changers and which are minor and should be ignored. He or she will also lead the charge in negotiating reasonable repairs into your offer.

You’re looking past the décor

Who hasn’t walked into a home only to be greeted by outdated floral wallpaper or bold floor-to-ceiling wood paneling? Sometimes the way in which a home has been dressed is a complete turn-off. As any agent will remind you, though, wall colours and finishes can easily be changed to suit your style, so try looking past them. And if you’re doing just that, then the home has potential to be the one for you.

You’re picturing your stuff in the house

Are you standing in an empty room and picturing which wall the couch or bed would go against? Are you envisioning how you will decorate and what items you can go shopping for to make the space your own? Perhaps you’re even imagining the quality time you and your family will spend in the house and holidays spent with friends. If you’ve reached this point, then this may be the one!


I can’t be the first person who’s told you that when the right one comes along, you’ll just know. Some goes with home buying. Above all, you should feel happy and relieved about not going to see another home, and excited to share the news with your family. If you have that gut instinct, you should follow it. You aren’t the only house hunter out there. In a hot market, there is a possibility of losing out if you wait too long. Act on your gut instinct and get that offer on the table!

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