what not to do when house-hunting
08 Mar

10 Things Not to Do When House-Hunting

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We want your house-hunting adventure to be a positive experience. Wondering how to do that?  We can tell you how NOT to do that.

Here are 10 things NOT to do when house-hunting:

1. Travel in a fleet

what not to do when house-hunting

If you don’t have to use more than one vehicle, then don’t. Simply put, the less vehicles on a house-hunting tour, the better! Travelling with your Realtor® makes it easier to discuss the properties you have seen and reduces the chances of getting lost in an unfamiliar neighbourhood!

2. Start house-bashing

what not to do when house-hunting

There will be houses you visit that you will know right away are not for you. Try not to point out its flaws too loudly or loosely as neighbours or lingering sellers may be within earshot. Save any comments or feedback for your Realtor® when you can be discreet about it and he or she who will then pass it along delicately to the selling Realtor®.

3. Call the number on the sign

don't just call the number on the sign

If you have a signed agreement with a Realtor®, never call another Realtor® for information on a listed property. Your Realtor® is there to help you find the right home for your needs. You may assume they missed a property you would be interested in seeing, but they may have good reason for not choosing it. To avoid miscommunication, call your own Realtor® first.

4. Believe you can when you can’t or shouldn’t


Got eyes on a fixer-upper? You may be quite handy but be sure to factor in costs, time and unforeseen problems. Knowing your limits as to what you can handle will be helpful when choosing a property. Check out these tips on buying a fixer-upper.

5. Drink too much caffeine

what not to do when house hunting

Leave the thermos at home and drive past that Starbucks window. Caffeine is a natural diuretic and can have…er…troublesome gastric effects. Too much will send you to the bathroom in other people’s homes or leave you stranded in a vacant home with the water off and no toilet paper!  Enough said.

6. Make time your enemy

what not to do when house-hunting

Choosing a home is a huge decision! Taking too much or too little time can sometimes lead to regret. Depending on the market, you may need to act quickly, but there is a need for a thorough investigation into whether a home is right for you. Likewise, taking too much time can leave you with little to choose from and cause a desperate decision that puts you in a place you would rather not be.

7. Make after-tour plans

what not to do when house-hunting

If you plan on making a day of house-hunting; leave it at that. You may spend longer in some homes than others. Making subsequent plans may hinder the time you are able to spend or leave you without time to make a decide on a property or offer.

8. Hold back your true thoughts

what not to do when house-hunting

Being on the same page as your Realtor® is so important! If you feel like certain homes don’t meet your criteria or if you have changed your mind about something, speak up! Being polite is a great quality, but if your Realtor® doesn’t know how you feel, they won’t be able to serve you to the best of their ability.

9. Be unwilling to compromise

what not to do when house-hunting

Having a list of needs and wants is essential to finding a property that is the right fit for you. However, no home is perfect, and most won’t meet your every need or want. Understand that you may need to compromise. Not being willing to do so could leave you without options or have you settle on something that is way off the mark.

10. Wear uncomfortable shoes

what not to do when house-huntingSeriously…if you are looking at a day of house-hunting, you don’t want to waste time tying up laces, fiddling with straps or dealing with blisters! Step into your favourite slip-ons and by the end of your trip, you’ll be glad you did.

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