16 Mar

Home Maintenance for the Late Winter Thaw

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Thinking about home maintenance can be daunting, especially to a new home owner. Caring for a new home is not only taxing on your wallet but it is also quite time-consuming. We have prepared a list of seasonal tasks for home maintenance to help you be prepared, stay organized, and on budget throughout the year.

It’s that awkward time of year between winter and spring but it’s the perfect time of year to get indoor tasks accomplished too.

Are we still shovelling?

late winter thaw maintenance

There may not be as much snow and ice around as in the months prior, but keeping pathways and driveways shoveled and ice-free is still important. It’s also wise to clear all safety exits and balconies as well. Keep a supply of sand or salt handy to help avoid any unnecessary slips or falls.

Beware of Ice Dams

late winter thaw maintenance

Ice that gathers in eaves troughs causing a blockage, is known as an ice dam. The problem with an ice dams is that when the warmer temperatures melt snow on the roof, the water is trapped and forced under the shingles and into your house. One way to get rid of an ice dam is by using a shovel, a rake or a broom to clear off excess snow and to chip away at the ice. If you suspect there could be an issue, inspect your attic thoroughly. If you find evidence of water damage, frost or mildew, call a specialist right away.

It’s Painting Time

late winter thaw maintenanceGet out your brushes and prepare to freshen up your space. Whether you are planning a major overhaul or just have a few minor touch-ups, now’s the perfect time to get it done. If you are not completely confident in your own skills,there are many affordable professionals that can help you accomplish your goals.

Do you have a screw loose?

late winter thaw maintenanceSpend a winter afternoon checking for all the things in your home that need a screw tightened. Check your banisters, cupboard doors, racks, and handles. As a safety precaution, it’s also a good idea to check all locks and deadbolts in your home as well. Broken or faulty locks need the immediate attention of a locksmith.

From the Bottom Up

late winter thaw maintenanceSometimes the basement is a place that hides more than just forgotten toys and abandoned books. Performing a thorough clean could expose hidden cracks in the foundation, dust, mould, or even small critters that have found their way in from the cold. Cleaning, organizing, and setting mouse traps in the basement will keep your family healthy and safe.

Increase the Flow

late winter thaw maintenanceShower heads become clogged due to a build-up of hard water minerals. Cleaning the lime and mildew will restore the water pressure and keep the hardware in good condition. If the shower head is removable, soaking it in white or apple cidar vinegar will unclog the holes. If the shower head is not removable tie a plastic bag of vinegar around the nozzle and let it sit overnight.

Look Who’s Caulking

late winter thaw maintenanceWhile you are busy cleaning your shower heads, take a close look at all of the caulking around the bathtubs, toilets, and sinks. If you see cracking, discolouration, or shrinkage, new caulking should be applied. Any hardware store can assist you in finding what you need and giving you application advice.

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