20 Jun

Questions to Ask a Realtor Before You Go House-Hunting

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Interviewing a Realtor® isn’t just for Sellers. You need to know the person guiding you through the buying process is the right fit.

Here are some crucial questions to ask when interviewing a Realtor® to make buying your first home the best experience possible:

Are you licensed?

You don’t have to feel silly about asking this. Realtors® require education, not only to receive their license, but also to maintain it and stay up-to-date. They require background checks and must follow the rules and regulations given to them by their authoritative and governing body. Each province has their own; in Ontario, the governing body is RECO (Real Estate Council of Ontario). You can look up the Agent’s name on the RECO website to be sure they are licensed and ready to serve you.

Is being a Realtor your full-time job?

There is nothing wrong with using a Realtor who only does Real Estate part-time. However, buying a home is one of the biggest decisions of your life! So, having a Realtor who is absorbed in the profession round-the-clock is going to have the most up-to-date knowledge and experience. This makes for a smooth buying process for you!

Do you have a team working behind you? 

The most successful Realtors® have a brilliant team of experts working alongside them who specialize in a particular area from marketing to legal to customer service, allowing a Realtor® to focus on meeting the needs of their clients. Ask for testimonials letters from clients find out how much of their business comes from these referrals – this will give you a good idea of how satisfied clients have been with both the Realtor and the team behind her or him.

Will you explain the buying process before looking at properties?

When it comes to buying your very first home, you need a Realtor® you can rely on. Looking at properties is only one aspect of the process and if you don’t understand the rest, you may be blindsided by an unexpected turn of events. Realtors® often do a buyer presentation to explain all parts of the buying process, so, if they provide one, you can rest easy knowing your agent is there to help!

What Process Will You Use to Help Me Find a Home?

There are many ways that a Realtor® can get to the bottom of your wants and needs. They may start with a questionnaire or sit down and get your desires in your first home hashed out the old-fashioned way. Each sales partner may have a different process, but they recognize and identify the proper questions to ask. It is important you are honest in your answers. Realtors® rely on your honesty to support you on your buying journey.

Is there anything else you can tell me about you or the buying process?

Asking this question gives a Realtor® an opportunity to let you know about anything they can personally add to your buying experience as well as anything you would need to know. They may have extra designations providing them with specialized knowledge that could benefit you. This leaves no stone unturned and will help you discover their passion and determination to get you home!


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