27 Jan

Keeping Your Home Safe and Secure

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Tucked peacefully in your bed at night or out on a day of adventure, far from your mind are the thoughts of hidden dangers lurking around your home. The doors are locked, oven and lights shut off… your house is safe! But is it really as safe as you think? We’ve listed some of the top security measures every homeowner should consider.

Windows and Doors

Simcoe County is a safe place to live, but, as the old adage goes…an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A deadbolt door lock is a strong line of defence for all outside door accesses. For doors with a keypad entry, ensure you change your number code periodically just as you would an email or account password. Also make sure you replace the keypad batteries regularly to avoid any malfunction with your door’s locking system.

We’ve all heard the trick of placing a broom stick in a sliding door system as a jam to prevent opening the door from outside, but a few wiggles and that trusty broom stick falls right out of place. Windows and sliding glass doors can be secured with a simple pin lock mechanism that pins the window or door frames in place, preventing any movement. Consider the glass quality when installing or replacing windows and doors. Double and triple pane, tempered or laminated glass are all much tougher to break through than a simple single pane. And finally, sounding alarm systems on windows and doors can be sure to turn any invader running in the other direction.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

It is the law in Ontario that every place of residence have a smoke detector installed on each level of the home as well as having one placed outside all sleeping areas. The audible loud ringing and beeping will surely wake you from a deep sleep in case of an emergency. As well, every home must have a working carbon monoxide detector installed.

Much like all other gadgets and toys in your home, the technology of these detectors changes constantly. Whether battery operated or hardwired, replace detectors every 10 years to ensure you have the most up-to-date safety measures. For battery-operated devices, replace the batteries regularly. Replace these batteries in sync with daylight savings time changes in the spring and fall. Finally, don’t forget to keep those detectors clean! Wipe or brush away any dust or build-up that can collect on the detector to make sure sensors remain clog and obstruction free.

Appliances and Utilities

Check all appliances and devices around your home regularly to ensure they are operating correctly and safely. A fridge or dishwasher that is leaking water is a risk for flood damage. A toilet with a faulty flapper could cause excessive water flow, leading to a flood and hard earned money literally flushed down the drain!

Appliances that are over-heating are a potential fire risk. Something as simple as not clearing the clothes dryer lint can lead to a clogged lint trap blocking air-flow and overheating. Inspect the electrical cords of appliances and electronics for any breaks or frayed wires. Exposed wires can not only spark a fire, but could cause serious shock if touched while an electric current is flowing through. Make sure to have a professional perform regular maintenance checks on your home’s furnace, air conditioning unit and hot water heater. Failing to maintain these devices could cause serious damage or cost a small fortune in repairs.

Make Sure Your House Can Breathe

Just as the human body requires fresh air and breathing to function properly, so does your home. Ensure your home is equipped with properly installed bathroom, kitchen and attic ventilation as these vents draw steam and moisture out of your home. Improper ventilation could leave your home a candidate for mold, so regularly inspect your home’s exterior to ensure vents are free from any blockage that may obstruct the flow of air.

Electronic Safety

Home safety is not just about the physical barriers and precautions put in place. Internet security is of utmost importance to ensuring your personal and private information is safeguarded from intruders. When setting up a home internet network, make sure you establish a password and firewall protected system. An unprotected network can allow anyone and everyone to access your home’s internet service and the personal information stored on your network or computer. Installing strong anti-virus software on your computer can protect from the unsuspecting download of hacker malware which could shut down or destroy your device. Once you’ve been hacked, your computer’s security cannot be trusted again unless it is entirely wiped clean. Proper internet security can also prevent others from stealing the use of your internet services and provide you with peace of mind, saving those fees on your limited data plan from jumping through the roof!

Smart Home Monitoring Systems

If all of the above options seem daunting, or you still don’t feel like your home is properly protected, consider investing in a smart home monitoring system. Think about monitoring everything from water leaks, carbon monoxide levels and fire, to cameras, lighting, appliances and thermostat temperatures all from your smartphone, tablet or computer. These systems send real-time texts and email updates directly to your smartphone, tablet or computer so you know when the dog walker comes and goes or if someone’s burning toast in the kitchen. If safety’s what you’re after, rest easy because experienced security experts are monitoring your casa 24/7.

Your home is an investment and so is your safety and that of your family. Make a performance checklist of tasks and items you can inspect on a daily, monthly or yearly basis. Invest a little time and effort into eliminating the hazards that could be putting you at risk. Safety begins with you!


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