02 May

What does your home décor say about you?

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They say that you can tell a lot about a person from the way they decorate their home. While there are some who have worked tirelessly to bring their home design and décor to a place where they are completely satisfied, many would be a bit weary of being judged by a glance into their living room or bedroom. Time or budgetary constraints, lack of vision, or just everyday life can place even the best intentions at a design impasse.

Whether we are aware of it or not, we do write ourselves into our environment. The choices that we make day to day in the smallest details can provide small windows of insight into the things that give us comfort or make us unique. If you are having trouble taking that next design stroke, try taking a step back, focusing on the details that reflect your personality; embrace what makes you comfortable or brings you joy, and build out from there.

Cozy blankets, soft pillows and warm colour schemes tend to reflect warm and inviting people. A nice fuzzy throw blanket is a kind offering from a welcoming heart…saying “please be comfortable in my home.”

If this is you: Look for rustic and rich, or plush furniture and calming paint. Add details made with natural materials to embrace your warmhearted personality.


Some might think that a wall of mirrors would belong to someone fixated on their own appearance, but it more likely belongs to someone who loves to decorate and are confident in their home décor choices. These home decorators love to browse magazines and home décor stores and are drawn to eye-catching sparkle.

If this is you: Focus on showpieces that you love, like a sophisticated chandelier, or oversized vase, and don’t be afraid to mix luxurious vintage with clean modern trends. Rich, bold paint in modern colours will make the perfect backdrop for your dramatic choices.


Mismatched, colourful exotic art tends to hang in the homes of people who have great stories to tell about their world travels. They love to explore world cultures and have pride in their own heritage. This art helps to tell stories about where they have been, and share their dreams about where they would love to go.

If this is you: Embrace your eclectic style without creating visual clutter.  Instead of having one room tell all of your stories, try to let each room in your home tell a different story.  Don’t be afraid to layer many textures or patterns, but try to keep the tone of each room cohesive. Look for accent furniture that uses natural raw materials in clean lines like wood and marble. Light, warm neutral walls tend to lend themselves well as a background to most global styles.


Showpiece china or display cabinets filled with family heirlooms and treasures reflect an appreciation for tradition, and a care for family history. Even if the contents have not been passed down from previous generations, this kind of display and care shows that you intend for these items to become part of your tradition going forward.

If this is you: A display or china cabinet needs to be part of your living space, not overwhelming it. If you can’t seem to make your cabinet work where it is, consider three options. First think outside of the box to where else in your home the cabinet may work – a bedroom, landing area or kitchen. Second, consider exchanging the cabinet for a style or size that works better in your space – sometimes a corner cabinet is more functional than one that takes up an entire wall. Finally, if you like where it is, consider refinishing it to give it a face lift. If you have a modern style, use a bold, glossy finish; if you are more country chic, try a distressed finish with chalk paint. If you are happy with your cabinet, but are looking to take your room to the next step –embrace your beloved heirlooms on display, use them as inspiration for accent colours and textures throughout your space.




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