05 Jun

Green and Natural Cleaning

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Most of us grew up in households when Saturday or Sunday mornings meant the smell of chemicals wafting through the house.  It was cleaning day!  The majority of our generation was raised believing that the house wasn’t clean until it smelled of bleach or some other very strong chemical.  In our house it was usually the “lemon” dusting spray.  Like many other things, we had no idea of the long term affect these chemicals have on our health.  Fortunately for us and for our children, we are now better educated, and there are also more natural products on the market that are available to us.  These newer products also have less of an impact on our environment.

According to Health Canada, “Clean air is essential for good health, and this is especially true when it comes to indoor air. As Canadians, we spend close to 90% of our time inside; at home, at work and in recreational environments. Most people, however, are unaware of the effects that poor indoor air quality can have on their health. All of us have the ability to control the quality of our own indoor air.”

Cleaning can come from the most natural sources.  There are many ways we can disinfect our homes that do not have to compromise the health of ourselves or our loved ones. There are some basic household items we can use to clean that offer the same benefits as the chemical laden products that still remain on some shelves.

Lemon:  One of my favourites.  Lemon is a natural disinfectant that smells clean and refreshing.  It can be used to deodorize.  It can remove strong smells from cutting boards.  Rub the board with lemon juice, leave on 20 minutes and rinse.  Dip a half of lemon in salt and scrub a copper pot to brighten it.  I like to put squeeze some lemon juice in the sink and sprinkle with baking soda and scrub with a scrub brush to clean and brighten the sink.  Looking for a way to get rid of pesky ants?  Leave lemon peels on the counter – It repels them.

Vinegar:  Vinegar has antibacterial properties.  Use vinegar as a natural window cleaner. Descale kettles and coffee makers by filling with vinegar and water.  Use vinegar and water with a drop or two of lemon or orange essential oil to spray in your refrigerator or microwave to clean without chemicals.  Just spray and rinse.

Baking Soda: Dilute some baking soda in coffee or tea mugs with warm water.  Let sit for 20 minutes or so, scrub and rinse to remove stains.  Mix baking soda and dish soap to make a thick paste for a cleaning scrub in the bathroom.

CleanEssentials All Natural Cleaning Spray: This all natural cleaning spray is great for any area of your home or office. It is the preferred cleaning product used by Mark and Joanna Faris for both their home with young children, and The Mark Faris Team office.  Made with distilled water and pure essential oils, it is antibacterial and smells wonderful.  It is great for many uses such as counter tops, sinks, floors, cupboards, baseboards and even glass.  This cleaning spray is also good for cleaning yoga mats.  It is antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic.


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