02 Apr

Getting Ready for Baby!

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Whether you’re bringing home your new baby or preparing for guests with children, safety is of the utmost importance. Hazardous household items may be easily overlooked by an adult but can spark a child’s curiosity and have undesirable consequences. Start by seeing your home from a child’s point of view. Get low and have a look around from knee level. The hidden dangers should soon become apparent.

Consider these tips for childproofing your home:

  1. 1. Install covers on electrical outlets within reach of little fingers.

Children are often drawn to electrical outlets. Avoid electric shock by inserting covers into outlets or installing safety plates. Some versions close automatically after a plug is pulled out.

  1. Use childproof door knob covers and cupboard locks.

No matter how thoroughly you childproof, there may still be hazards in your cupboards and behind closed doors. Purchase childproof door knob covers and cupboard locks to secure dangerous materials. These locks are easily manoeuvred by adults, but remain a mystery for most developing minds.

  1. Install a carbon monoxide detector.

Carbon monoxide is colourless, odourless, tasteless and is toxic when encountered in high concentrations. The respiratory system of a child is significantly less capable than that of an adult. By installing a carbon monoxide detector you ensure that you are made aware of the presence of CO levels in your home before they present a real danger.

Household injuries are among the top reasons children under three are taken to the emergency room. Enjoy peace of mind by taking precautions to ensure children in your home remain safe.

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