25 Oct

10 Decluttering projects you can actually do…right now!

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Disorder in your home dragging you down? Got 15 minutes? Clutter gets overwhelming but finding the time to get things organized is like searching for the holy grail! Don’t overthink it…try one of these ten ways of clearing your clutter fast:

1. Polish the Pantry


Take out any unfinished snacks; you can use empty jars or storage containers to free up some space. Throw out any foods that have gone over their best before date. Bulk similar items together and place them in bins or baskets, making it easier to see the things you need to restock on your next grocery run.

2. Rubbish Removal


Our homes sometimes tend to get cluttered with books, little bits of paper, stuff that’s in the wrong place or just general junk. Do a walk around of your home with a garbage bag in one hand. As you go room by room, pick up and throw out any garbage, broken items, those random pieces of things that belong to nothing, as well as any papers that are of no importance. Get a box and do a second pass for items that aren’t where they belong.

3. Control Laundry Clutter


Odds and sods always seem to find their way to the laundry room. Pocket treasures, empty detergents or fabric softener bottles, line your countertop and machines, and throw the empties in the recycle bins. Line up some empty jars for collecting those pocket treasures and then give your counter and machines a wipe-down.

4. Streamline Shoes


Pull out all those off-season wedges and ankle strap heels that you won’t want to see in the middle of an ice storm. Grab some handy under-bed bins and arrange your shoes in a single layer, label them and tuck away until the sunnier weather comes back around.

5. Fix Up Food Storage


In all honesty, the storage container drawer or cupboard is usually a half-organized catastrophe. It doesn’t have to be; get everything out and place it on the table or counters. Start matching containers and lids. Throw away or recycle any pieces missing a companion but make sure to check the dishwasher first! After stacking and arranging sizes, return the containers to where they belong. You can do a quick clean-up in 15 minutes, or take a few extra minutes for a trip to the dollar store or office supply store for some dividers for a more permanent solution.

6. Sort Senseless Paper



Everyone has that one spot where all the mail, newspapers, info sheets and appointment cards find their resting place. You can likely sort out the bulk of your junk and recycle any old newspapers, magazines or anything else you don’t need in about 15 minutes or so. If you’ve got more time, take your essential documents that you’ve sorted and use an organizing strategy that puts them in a permanent home such as labelled bins, an accordion file, or binder with tabs.

7. Establish the Entryway



The entryway is the ultimate drop zone. Backpacks, keys, junk mail, library books awaiting return, the list is endless. Put any items that don’t belong there away. Hang up coats and backpacks or store them in a closet if not in use. Bring anything that needs to be returned out to the car and put keys or loose change in a cubby near the door.

8. Consolidate Household Cleaners



Too many cleaning supplies and tools can cause slight chaos when looking for the one you need. Sort out the cleaners you use daily and put them in a caddy along with a couple of fresh dishtowels and a sponge. Give away or safely dispose of any products you will no longer use and if you have doubles partially filled, combine them. You may even find your mom no longer falls onto your head when you try to open the broom closet door!

9. Manage the Medicine Cabinet



Gather any ointments, bandages and first-aid supplies and organize them in an easily accessible tray. Remove and discard any creams, sprays or other medical prescription containers that are out of date or no longer used. Put any little items such as hair ties, safety pins or bobby pins in small jars.

10. Fleshing Out the Fridge Door



Purge those pasty shelves! Remove everything from the door and give it a quick wipe with warm soapy water. Pick out any condiments that have expired and get rid of them. This one is a toughie for the guilt-ridden among us, but we give you full permission to also throw out any items you bought but don’t fancy. Give the remaining bottles and containers a wipe on the bottoms and send them back to the door.


Clutter is bound to happen, but using these tips will make organizing quick and painless. You may even find it satisfying once you realize how much time you just saved!

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