04 Dec

Grow Fresh Air – Purify Your Home with Plants

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It has been long known that plants produce oxygen, providing a healthier environment in your home. But did you know that indoor plants can filter 50 – 60 percent of airborne microbes, such as bacteria and mold spores? Indoor plants can also absorb contaminants like benzene and formaldehyde. You could say they are organic superheroes!

NASA has even gone so far as to create a list of the best air-filtering plants. In the 1980’s NASA did a study to find out which indoor plants were the most effective at filtering the air of the space station. The great news is that they are easy to find and to care for. The list includes spider plants, snake plants, peace lilies, weeping figs, elephant ears, bamboo palms and rubber plants.

So give your indoor environment a boost of health and appeal this winter by replacing your faux plants with live plants. You will eliminate dust collectors, and can take a breath of fresh air, knowing your home will be a healthier environment for you and your family.

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